山寨玩具vol.2 —— 山寨時軸
山寨玩具系列的第二本書 — 山寨時軸,將會展示香港玩具發展的時間軸。書籍的型態是參考一件經典山寨玩具 — 彈弓。
彈弓是70 年代其中一種非常獨特的山寨玩具,它的形態簡單,但能配以多種玩法,讓玩家自由選擇。
Made in Hong Kong vol.2 — The Knock-off Rebound
The Knock-off Rebound is an experiment form of book that recreates Hong Kong toys development timeline. This new form of book is a reference to the form of Hong Kong knock-off toys: slinky toys. The slinky toy is one of the signature and distinctive toys of Hong Kong, founded in the 1970s. It is simple in form, but it offers various playing methods, that the players can use freely.
The playful form of the book can enhance the audience’s interest in reading more about the topic. A unique and novel form of book can create a fresh feeling and attract the attention and curiosity to play with the object and read the content.
The playful form of the book can enhance the audience’s interest in reading more about the topic. A unique and novel form of book can create a fresh feeling and attract the attention and curiosity to play with the object and read the content.
Overall view / Front cover

Overall view / Back cover

Layout & Binding

Packaging design
Classical plastic net holding The Knock-off Rebound.

Printing: Risograph @dotdotdot / Laser printing (Contents)
Paper: Eco-Stone 490gsm / Woodpulp Board 645gsm (cover, back cover)
Size: 100mm (Diameter)
Language: Traditional Chinese
Book design: Chan Hiu
Year: 2018